Last Saturday we celebrated Britain’s first National day of adventure ‘Wild Night Out‘, and I do hereby declare that it was a rip-roaring success! This post is a round up of what went down that very evening.
If you like what you read, and want to get in on future wild action – you can sign up to the Adventure Queens mailing list here or join the Facebook group here.
To all the boys reading this, hopefully you’ll enjoy the round up too. And be reassured to tell your mumma’s, daughter’s. sisters, aunties and grannies – that outside is where the party is at.
The clock struck 6pm on Saturday night over 50 Adventure Queens were already out and about, meeting up in 9 different locations all over the UK – including The Chilterns; Worcestershire; Manchester; Bristol; Surrey; The South Downs and Essex. Armed with nothing but picnic goodies and a devil-may-care attitude, they proceeded to go a-camping wild – on hilltops, in forests, at the seaside and even in the shadow of castles. Needless to say it was off-the-scale magical.
For the majority of the ladies it was their first time out there, and for the remainder it was a way to connect with local wild women in their area. Below are a few snaps from the various areas, and here are our favourite quotes from the girls who took part on the night:
“Just finishing of a McMuffin before hitting the road”
“I might have 1 or more of my children with me (if I can persuade them that it is a fun thing to do on a Saturday night)”
“And then I thought, ‘stuff it’, I’ll just bring a whole bag of carrots.”
“I came on my scooter”
“Your banana bread has changed my life. For the better.”
“I’m sure I woke up because the smell of lavender had gone!!”
“Well worth doing even if I don’t think I slept much and shared my bag with a monster bug! Lovely views and company.”
“I carried a watermelon” (Okay no one said this, but they should have done).
And because you can never have enough awesome snaps, here’s a load more:
Before I toodle off, I wanted to share this awesome video below, which a friend sent me recently. I defy you to watch it without smiling the whole way through. And yes, the girls in it make me feel very uncool too. Enjoy.
Until next time,
McNuff out xx