by admin | Mar 24, 2017 | Cycling adventures, Cycling the Andes
‘It’s going to go out, it’s going to go out, it’s going to… Oh bugger It’s gone out.’ I slouch backwards and sigh. Faye and I are sat outside our tents around our MSR Whisperlite stove willing it not to die on us. Our green soup cups are half-filled with dried mashed...
by admin | Feb 8, 2017 | Camping, Cycling adventures, Cycling the Andes
‘Errrr… Faye… what in the world is THAT?!’ I am stood outside my tent, midway through brushing my teeth, when a distant rumble distracts me from a love affair with Colgate Triple Stripe. Around the mountain track in the distance, surrounded by plumes of dust and...
by admin | Feb 7, 2017 | Cycling adventures, Cycling the Andes
Our hard won, slightly bumbling, battle to re-enter Argentina is well worth the effort. After thanking the biker gang profusely for the offer of joining them for dinner (with or without meat, and or vegetables), we decide it’s still early in the day (4pm) and that’ll...