My Blog
The Roman Run: 86 miles along Hadrian's Wall
I often forget just how beautiful Britain is, and I’d wager I’m not the only one. It took me spending 7 months of last year in another country to appreciate how truly unique my own is. So when I returned to the Green Green grass of home in January, I was determined -...
Sunday at the Seaside: Wild swimming in March?
"Fancy planning a day trip to the seaside for a swim?" It was early March when new adventure chum Emily dropped me a message. I won’t detail the ins and outs of my response, but it included an obscene amount of exclamation marks, the words ‘oh my gosh’ in quick...
A Mountain Bike Microadventure
At first I’d planned to use the 2013 Easter break to bike the length of the Thames, from the source in Cirencester to Southend on Sea. Unfortunately (and not for the first time) National rail had scuppered one of life’s great adventures by selecting this weekend to...
Reflections on bike ride through the 50 states
“America is just like the UK, only… bigger, right?”I’d like to ask you all a favour. If you ever happen to be within earshot of such a comment, please make a beeline for the offending individual (even if it requires a Starsky & Hutch style roll across a car...
The 50th State: Hawaii
Ah Hawaii. Islands of the sea. Land of the Hukilau cafe. Home to Polynesian princess’, pineapples and palm trees. And more importantly, the 50th state…A BUMPY STARTFinally sat on a plane at Dallas Fort Worth airport, I was overcome with relief, and also rather aware...
Memphis And The Music
Greetings Five-O fans, and welcome to Part 2 of a journey thorough the South. This week, we’re going deep into Dixie. While you were all pulling crackers, exchanging sock gifts, and dribbling through a post turkey coma, I was riding a bejewelled, tinsel-tastic pink...
The Dash For Dallas
This week, the Director at the Department of Destiny decided that I’d got a little too big for my Cowboy boots. He sensed my belief that the final ten days would be a mere formality, and so plunged his hands deep into the weather well, and began drawing out: “Flood?...
The Deep American South
I’d heard many things about The South. I was promised I’d be chased by dogs. That I’d ride on roads with no shoulders, get a yearly dose of bigotry and make the acquaintance of hicks with no teeth. And yet, that that all of this would be curiously juxtaposed with the...
Mum. The Turkey Smells Like Fart
BOREAS THE UGLYSince the incident in Iowa where I set out to ride 120 miles, and ended up almost hyperthermic and in a motel after 50, I’d resolved to be more sensible with any decision to ride in wind and rain. It’s not a question of being ‘ard. It’s a question of...
Cycling into New York City, Via The Bronx
“This could be a complete disaster. Or it could be fun. Either way - let’s be ‘avin it.”Wise words from younger sibling, Jonty, as he boarded a plane to join me in Boston at the start of the week. This is the sibling that deposited a brown coloured gift in the bath...