by admin | Sep 18, 2014 | Microadventure, Small Adventures
Aye me, it’s been quite a summer. Now 15 weeks in fact, since a a handful of adventurous chumlings and I set out to sleep wild in each and every county surrounding London. Even though we’ve managed to get a whopping 76 Londonites away from their desks and out to the...
by admin | Jul 1, 2014 | Microadventure, Small Adventures
Let’s get this out of the way early on, shall we? Deep breath, here goes: TOWIE. Fake Tan. Wel Jel. Reem. Sa’lty Potaata. Motaa’s. Boob jobs. Innit. Dagenham. Romford… I think that’s the lot…oh no wait…. Shuuu Uuuuppp. The marvellous thing about the richest county in...
by admin | Jun 23, 2014 | Microadventure
“That street you live on, that street, it’s the road to Africa, to anywhere, to…adventure.” I was sat in the Ellis Brigham Mountain store in Covent Garden, listening to Al Humphrey’s talk about the four years he’d spent cycling around the world. But I wasn’t there to...
by admin | Aug 12, 2013 | Cycling adventures, Cycling the 50 states of USA, Microadventure
Okay Five-O fans, prepare your tiny violins, and cry me a river while you’re at it, because I’m sorry, but this week was tough. The toughest so far by a country mile. Still, the great sage that is Kelly Clarkson tells us what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and...
by admin | Jul 8, 2013 | Cycling adventures, Cycling the 50 states of USA, Microadventure
Well howdy doody Blogg-er-ers. After 10 days in the land of Canadia, I thought it was high time I filled you in. First things first, this country is massive. Not just a little bit bigger than I’m used to – I’m talking, pile that thing sky high, charge me $5...