Exploring the world, one adventure at a time.

Hello. I’m Anna, an adventurer, author, speaker and mischief-maker. I get my kicks from exploring the world through long human powered journeys. On a mission to find the limit of my own potential, I’m hoping to help you unlock yours too. Let’s dance.


My Adventures

I’ve run, swum and cycled over 20,000 miles across this precious planet. Have a read about each adventure and transport yourself to far flung lands with tales of derring-do.


Adventure books

From tales of running the length of New Zealand, to cycling the Andes Mountains and a children’s book too. Curl up with one of my five books and let yourself be whisked away on a wild adventure from the comfort of your armchair. They’re also all available on audiobook (for people who can’t sit still).


Motivational talks

Tales of adventure shared with honestyhumour and passion. With a focus on growth mindset, resilience and adapting to change, I have a tale or two that’ll get your business or school fired up and ready to explore the limit of their own potential.


Barefoot Britain

Find out more about why I I ran the distance of 90 marathons through Britain, in my bare feet. Along the way I was joined by thousands of local runners and gave talks to the youngsters of Girlguiding.



1 month ago

🎉 🎂 THE TWINS TURN TWO! I would usually say ‘time has flown’ but I have LIVED these past two years people, I can assure you I have been fully IN IT.📸 Scroll the pics for some gems from the past year. 👩‍✈️ We had a grand (yet relaxed) plan for their big day. At 6am, when everyone was awake, I announced it was birthday time! Then we opened some modest prezzies, which Storm and I had secured from a trip into Mindelo last week. 👶🏻 A little baby for Jupes (£7)🚍 A school bus and a cement truck for Rocky (£5) We then had cake for breakfast, but who am I kidding, we have cake for breakfast every day out here - breakfast cake is a Cape Verdan THING. And I’m very happy about it. Then we had some staff and fellow travellers from France and America join in on a Happy Birthday brekkie sing-song. 🎶 It was only at lunchtime that I happened to look at my phone and realise something. “Err Jamie… It’s actually the 13th today. It’s not their birthday until tomorrow.”🤦‍♀️ Oh how we laughed. We’d have laughed our socks off if we were wearing any. 🧦 💥 ☀️ So… what to do? Well we just ploughed right on with the celebrations because, who cares if we know what day of the week it is or not? For the pièce de résistance on the not-quite-actual birthday afternoon, we’d planned to take a taxi to a posh restaurant overlooking the ocean for more cake (avec sprinkles) and icing 🎂 Big sis, Storm was VERY excited about the cake. 🥳 But when we got there the restaurant was closed for a private party. So we secured two burgers and chips from a nearby fast food shack and stuck our unlit Number 2 candles in the burgers instead. 🍔 🤷🏼‍♀️ The strong breeze from the Atlantic would have blown those candles out anyway, right? 🌬️ There was ice cream for afters 🍦😋(half of which ended up on the kids faces) and we returned home to the hotel full of memories and gratitude for a day spent together, rolling with it, messing up, and ploughing onward regardless. As (now two-year-old) Jupiter said as she clapped her hands together at breakfast this morning: “Well done Team!” 🥰🥰 ... See MoreSee Less
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